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Vegan Vote | The Vegan Society

Reading Time: 2 minutes


Dear [candidate name]

I am writing to you from the [Location] Constituency to ask whether you would support a managed and just transition to a more sustainable, plant-based food system so that we can meet climate targets and for the good of all people, our planet and animals.

As a voter, this is extremely important issue to me because one of the most effective ways to reduce carbon emissions and free up land for nature is to move away from the inefficient, cruel and unsustainable process of using animals as food. [If you can, add a sentence to express your personal reasons for supporting this call, which will be most impactful for your candidates].

We’ve seen lots of progress towards plant-based alternatives and more people than ever are open to changing their diets, but we need change on a much bigger scale, so there is an urgent need for political leadership on this issue.

That’s why I’m asking you to read the Vegan Society Manifesto for a plant-based transition, which you can see here and to let me know whether, if elected, you will support a managed and just transition to a more sustainable, plant-based food system. The manifesto has policy suggestions for kickstarting this transition, some of which can be achieved easily and inexpensively, such as promoting plant-based diets and food as crucial to meet net zero targets.

The manifesto also calls for;

Setting an ambition for the UK to capitalise on the economic growth of the plant-based sector and striving to be a world leader. This will require a sector specific plan for supporting the plant-based industry in the UK, similar to that released recently by the Danish Government. 

Government using public procurement levers to promote health and sustainability in food. 

Setting a target to reduce meat and dairy consumption by 70% by 2030, as proposed by Greenpeace, which will catalyse other actions around promoting plant-based alternatives and kickstart a sustainable transition to 100% reduction by 2050.

Supporting animal farmers to have a just transition to plant-based crop production or other more sustainable forms of land management, and recognising the rights of all animals to live and be treated with compassion and respect.

This is hugely important to me, and to other voters, who care deeply about animals and our environment. The research also shows that these policies have wide support: 76% of people surveyed support the policy for providing farmers with financial and practical support to transition; 65% of people support well-planned plant-based diets being promoted as part of public health campaigns and 70% support the Government creating a plan for the growth of the plant-based industry.[1]

I wish you the best of luck with your election campaign and look forward to hearing your views on supporting this transition.


Best wishes

[Your name]

[1] The Vegan Society research polled 2000 people aged 18-65 through the Attest online research platform to create a nationally representative sample in June 2024.

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