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Danny Huh of NEO Battery Materials Discusses Silicon Nanocoating on Anodes for the 1000-Mile EV Battery

Reading Time: 2 minutes

In this InvestorIntel interview, Tracy Weslosky talks with NEO Battery Materials Ltd.’s (TSXV: NBM | OTCQB: NBMFF) Strategy and Operations Manager Danny Huh about their ongoing commercialization and optimization process to achieve the 1000-Mile Electrical Vehicle Battery using silicon anode materials.

Having achieved a significant technology milestone of uniform nanocoating capability on silicon anodes, Danny explains how their technology can help increase the driving range of electric vehicles and enable ultra-fast charging.

The company is constructing a commercial plant in South Korea to expedite the commercialization process and aims to provide silicon anodes for battery manufacturers and EV automakers.

With a “top-notch R&D team”, NEO Battery Materials is currently constructing a plant in South Korea to expedite the commercialization process and aims to provide silicon anodes for battery manufacturers and EV automakers.

Danny provides an update on NEO Battery Materials’ expansion in the United States and also discusses how NEO Battery Materials plans to capitalize on the emergence of Ontario, Canada as a strategic battery hub with the battery gigafactories being built in the region.

To access the full InvestorIntel interview, click here

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About NEO Battery Materials Ltd.

NEO Battery Materials Ltd. is a Vancouver-based company focused on electric vehicle lithium-ion battery materials. NEO has a focus on producing silicon anode materials through its proprietary single-step nanocoating process, which provides improvements in capacity and efficiency over lithium-ion batteries using graphite in their anode materials. The Company intends to become a silicon anode active materials supplier to the electric vehicle industry.

To learn more about NEO Battery Materials Ltd., click here

Disclaimer: NEO Battery Materials Ltd. is an advertorial member of InvestorIntel Corp.

This interview, which was produced by InvestorIntel Corp., (IIC), does not contain, nor does it purport to contain, a summary of all the material information concerning the “Company” being interviewed. IIC offers no representations or warranties that any of the information contained in this interview is accurate or complete.

This presentation may contain “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities legislation. Forward-looking statements are based on the opinions and assumptions of the management of the Company as of the date made. They are inherently susceptible to uncertainty and other factors that could cause actual events/results to differ materially from these forward-looking statements. Additional risks and uncertainties, including those that the Company does not know about now or that it currently deems immaterial, may also adversely affect the Company’s business or any investment therein.

Any projections given are principally intended for use as objectives and are not intended, and should not be taken, as assurances that the projected results will be obtained by the Company. The assumptions used may not prove to be accurate and a potential decline in the Company’s financial condition or results of operations may negatively impact the value of its securities. Prospective investors are urged to review the Company’s profile on Sedar.com and to carry out independent investigations in order to determine their interest in investing in the Company.

If you have any questions surrounding the content of this interview, please contact us at +1 416 792 8228 and/or email us direct at info@investorintel.com.

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